I thought this was a young adult novel, but it was really a novel about a young adult. There is a big difference in these two things. The more I think about it, the more I wonder why any adult would want to read (basically) an adult novel written from the perspective of a very young teenager. This story of this family couldn't be told from any other perspective if the reader wants to understand the fundamental details, why things happen the way they do, etc. Henry is the son of Adele, a hermit of sorts. One of the rare times they head off to the store, Henry finds a bloodied man who needs a ride. They take him home and learn that he's in big trouble. He makes short work of the time he has and really meshes himself into this little family. Meanwhile, Henry's dad has a new family that includes a wife, a perfect step-son, and a new baby sister for Henry. Henry also means Eleanor, and she creates a little drama in his life. This book is slightly predictable, but fairly short and pretty deep. It's heavy stuff.